728,724 & 720 Chapman Road, Glenfield WA 6532



3 Blocks sold as one

Here is an opportunity to purchase three blocks on separate titles selling as one the two blocks to the north of the lots are both in excess of 2,000m2 and have power, water and mains gas available. The larger of the three has a battle axe 31m2 frontage to a 1.5ha parcel of land. All blocks have multiple development applications with the relevant local government approvals and services, also are on separate titles so no wait times to subdivide.
For more information please call exclusive listing agent Mike Paterson 0408 953 962.

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this advertisement, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. To the best of our knowledge the information listed is true and accurate however may be subject to change without warning at any time and this is often out of our control. Prospective tenants & purchasers should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves on all pertinent matters. Details herein do not constitute any representation by the Owner or the agent and are expressly excluded from any contract.

Property ID: 1303512

Contact Agents
Mike Paterson
Mike Paterson

Sales Consultant

Office: 08 9965 2000
Mobile: 0408 953 962


Professionals Geraldton
34 Chapman Road, Geraldton WA 6530 | Phone (08) 9965 2000