Understanding and Exposing Vendors Biggest Assets | Professionals Real Estate AU |

Understanding & exposing vendors biggest assets

Professionals Real Estate Latest News | South Australia News 5th December, 2012 No Comments

What a great workshop for Professionals SA Principals and Salespeople facilitated by Tom Panos. Tom is considered to be a thought leader in the industry and has been able to help businesses of all shapes and sizes understand and grow with their customers. Attendees were told, focus on relationships, know your product and expose your customers biggest asset through all marketing mediums to achieve the highest price in any market.  The ability to accrue real estate both from a home owner perspective and as an investment is a life changing decision and cannot be taken lightly.  Tom backed his words up with statistical proof house sales happen sooner and achieve more when marketed both through online and print – source RP Data.  For sales agents and consumers this is critical.
Information at a point in time when many are failing to see the bigger picture and that is it’s the sale price that makes your net profit larger not what you can save on advertising costs!!  Think ‘Apple’ ‘Mt Franklin’ ‘Pepsi’. We would like to thank Tom for taking the time to come out and share his expertise with the staff and members of the group and we hope to see him again at one of our functions in the future.
To have someone with these credentials present to the group is a great example of the services and benefits that come from being part of the Professionals group. The Professionals often have high quality thought leaders and industry experts brief the members at both a state and national level. The group has been able to accrue a significant amount of knowledge which is available on our member intranet and other publications. If you would like to find out more about the Professionals in South Australia or nationally please feel free to browse our website.