Is an Urban Garden Right For You? | Professionals Real Estate AU |

Is an Urban Garden Right For You?

Professionals Real Estate Latest News | News for Buyers | News for Investors | News for Sellers | News for Tenants 24th March, 2015 No Comments
An image of a planter box and gardening tools

It used to be that only those who owned property could enjoy all the benefits that a vegetable garden could bring. This has all changed now with so many innovative ways to container garden. Plus, there are many more dwarf varieties of veggies that can be container grown with some great results. So if you are thinking about apartment living don’t rule out that you may have an opportunity to grow your own vegetables. The following are a few suggestions to get you started.
Capitalise on the light
Watch your balcony carefully to see what part of it gets the most sun and when. This will help you in choosing the types of veggies that you want to grow. Some need more sun than others. Knowing how much light you can count on with help you with your choices. The same applies if you are just opting for flowers or foliage to brighten up your city living.
Feed Your Plants
Remember that you are container gardening here so you don’t have the same depth of soil for your plants to feed off. You are going to have to give them a helping hand. You will need to follow the directions of your plant food to determine how much to give them as there is a risk of over feeding.
Do your homework
When you are buying your seeds or small plants make sure you know what their requirements are going to be. How much do they need to be spaced apart, and how much light do they demand? You will have lots of choices with various requirements so you will surely find the veggies or plants that you want. This is a great opportunity for you to grow a wonderful selection of herbs as well. If you are growing chives or spring onions you can just cut them as needed at the above ground level and let them keep on growing.
Improvise if you have to
On the premise that you don’t even have a balcony or an urban garden you just might have some window sills that will work well for you. As said there are a lot of dwarf versions of plants that you can grow even in this small area. Most plants only demand sun and water, so you may have to water a little more frequently but you are surely going to get so much enjoyment from your version of gardening this won’t be a bother for you. You can even create more space with the hanging type planters.
There are some great advantages to the urban gardening besides getting the same fresh veggies or being able to enjoy beautiful flowers and foliage. One of the big one is there is going to be a lot less weeding to do when compared to a conventional garden.