What to Consider When Thinking About Solar Power | Professionals Real Estate |

What to Consider When Thinking About Solar Power

Professionals Real Estate Latest News | News for Buyers | News for Investors | News for Sellers 21st May, 2015 No Comments
Image of solar panels on a rooftop

Everyone is into saving a few dollars wherever they can, and one area for doing this that many are considering is by using solar power. There are some questions that you need answers to before making the switch to this form of energy.
The system size:
You really are going to need to know what size of system is going to meet your requirements. It is important to work with a solar professional who can answer your questions and educate you on the use of solar power as it pertains to you.
What needs to be determined?
To know which type of solar power system meets your requirements, the expert needs to know the area that you live in. What you use now to heat and cool your home. The number of appliances that you use and what time of day do you use the bulk of your electricity, and also how many people are in the home. The answers to all of these questions allow the solar expert to narrow down the size of solar system you will be happy with. You also need to think about your future use as well. If you anticipate dramatic increases in the use of the power then you should plan for that now.
What happens to your current energy rate?
The expert here to answer these types of questions is your energy retailer. Now that you are going to be generating a portion of your own electrical power you are going to require less from the retailer, and your bill will have to be adjusted accordingly.
What are my options with the solar panels?
You may have the option to lease or borrow or even purchase your solar panels.  If you purchase then you own them, and the energy they are producing right from the date of purchase. You will get a return on your investment over time. If you borrow it means you have a loan to pay for which will probably be spread out over a period of time. Leasing your solar panels will probably mean you won’t have to pay for the installation or very little at least. Then you enter into an agreement to buy the energy collected from those panels from the solar company who owns them.  You should get a guarantee of supply written into a contract.
Making sure the solar installation is done correctly:
Make sure that you are using a reputable company. They will use quality panels and take care of connecting to the grid. You want to know for sure that system is being installed by an accredited installer under the Clean Energy Counsel.
Aside from the installer, do some research into the brand of the solar panels that are going to be used to determine their efficiency and performance ratings.
Normally the panels should be installed on a roof top that has no shade exposure and are facing North.
You installed should ensure the panels have the proper tilt so it is getting the maximum amount of sun exposure possible.
A lasting long term investment:
Your solar system is something that you are going to be depending on for many years to come. You need to know what your warranty is comprised of. Find out what the product warranty period is. These can range between 10 to 25 years and covers the actual panels themselves. You need to know how long the power warranty is for. This covers the actual power the panels should be producing. The normal coverage is 25 years. Then you need to know what the 25 year guaranteed energy is. Make sure you know the procedure for making any claims on your warranties.
These are the basics to get you started on seeking out a solar panel systems as a means for alternative energy.