Understanding the Basic Concepts of Upsizing | Professionals Real Estate AU |

Understanding the Basic Concepts of Upsizing

Professionals Real Estate Latest News | News for Buyers | News for Investors | News for Sellers 13th August, 2015 No Comments
Vector image of a bird flying from a small bird house to a large one

Vector image of a bird flying from a small bird house to a large oneWe hear a lot about downsizing but there is also a great many home owners who need and want to upsize when it comes to their homes.  Most may think that it is only those with large families that want to consider this. The truth is, upsizing is something that is thought of by all categories of homeowners.
Couples or even those that are single and own a small home now will often consider upsizing. It could be that their present residence is a town house or small bungalow or even an apartment, and the time has come for something bigger. Their reasons for wanting this are diversified. Realtors cannot categorise any specific group that pertains to those wanting a bigger home.
There are some seniors who feel they have lived in cramped quarters all of their lives. They have had to share their home space with the kids, and now feel they want to have a bigger home that is spacious and is able to give them what they want to enjoy.
What many up sizers do have in common is they don’t want to leave the area they are used to. It is not the area that is the issue just the home size. However, if they are not able to find what they are looking for within the area, then they will sacrifice this in order to get the big home that they are expecting to have. The markets in Australia and especially Sydney are highly competitive and this may create the need for having to find the dream home for their clients out of their chosen areas.
For those that are planning on making this big move there are a lot of things that have to be considered. Knowing the housing market at the time of the proposed change is important. Most often when the property market is high this is not the time that those looking for a bigger home are going to find a good deal. It is much easier for those that are downsizing at this particular time in the market. A rising housing market works in the sellers favour not the buyers.
Most real estate agents will suggest upsizing when the market is flat because there is a smaller price gap.  Buyers of larger homes also need to think about the long term and decide whether the investment is worth the advantages they perceive that they are going to get. They also have to consider the ongoing affordability in relation to costs. At the same time thought has to be given as to what kind of potential is there for growth in capital and potential rental opportunities and what the return would be.
When shopping for the upsized house those that have potential have to be compared to what extras does it offer compared to the current house they are living in.  Are the differences substantial enough to meet the want and needs in line with the extra costs now and in the future?